

Part-time soul collector, full-time mischief maker • Reaping souls with ✨style✨• VGen: CLOSED • #ArtGalleRae

フォロー数:528 フォロワー数:711

Just gonna slip in here quietly~ (Also hello there!)

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Ask and you shall receive! 🙃

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I wish to be immortalized in MS Paint 🤩

Something about me: I’m a nerd who also like to do the arts and loves writing lore!

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Hello there! Your style is so cute 🥺💕 Here’s my fluffy boy.

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Hello, Misko here! I’m a Leshy and act as the Arbiter of the Astral Plane. I’m currently neglecting my duties and have taken an extended vacation to the mortal realm in search of knowledge and allies.

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My single brain cell liked this but forgot to actually post anything. I hope you don’t mind my EXTREMELY LATE entry 😂😂😂 (I’m so sorry)

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And we appreciate and adore you 💜💙

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