

just a colour contributing to things

フォロー数:2280 フォロワー数:3096

From what I understand, bear market is survival of the fittest - don't get rekt frens, forcing a trade is not the move imo - smol scalps these moves will be easy to trade, you are not gonna get the pico top's and bottom's play the range - protect your capital you got this frens

1 6

Rugnarök is gud project *wipes tears with 10k profit*

0 10

I like the colour match of this one

0 2

gm, bad time to come back?

0 1

Not everyone makes it to the summit

0 3

Fat fucks role call 👇

0 12

5000% APR and 20x and still not satisfied, they don’t deserve you fren

0 11