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Corel Painter launches Epic Character Contest | Wp Stories https://t.co/9twTQ289OT

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How to master skin shading in 3D | Wp Stories https://t.co/gC2v10QusW

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The Apple Tablet Delayed Until June? Battery Life An Issue? https://t.co/Q8oATM4xWc

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3 innovative apps that break the rules | Wp Stories https://t.co/3C7GGV4l5H

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TNW Daily Dose — 24 hours of tech news in 5 minutes [Audio] https://t.co/gYOMixOugH

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Apple Building 2 Million iPads Monthly https://t.co/eF3Z4HRFvM

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Foursquare wants to be "the new age experience provider" for brands https://t.co/BeBbRyQ8DN

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EditFlow v0.7.5: Updates, Prepares for 3.6 Core | https://t.co/RN97upSVNu

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EditFlow v0.7.5: Updates, Prepares for 3.6 Core | https://t.co/sEFJtpdqr8

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