

Ancient beast masquerading as human, here to bring angst and fire ♡ K♡ Tsubasa Chronicle ♡ Fate ♡ other stuff ♡ Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/ridiafangirls

フォロー数:186 フォロワー数:520

why is this meme so perfect for Sarumi

16 43

Happy birthday to my sunshine child (and birthday twin)

13 30

Meanwhile in Munakata’s office...

1 3

I felt this meme needed more Fushimis so here are some Fushimis (´꒳`)

17 32

Yes, this is definitely how Cherry deals with his anger

16 40

since we’re doing the yay no more Twitter crop thing please witness him again

5 10

AHHH I'm so happy I've wanted these books forever but they were only sold on a Taiwanese site, the author just rereleased them as an ebook anthology and I decided to see if it would let me purchase with a US credit card AND IT WORKED THEY ARE MINE SWEET SWEET MIKOSARU IS MINE

0 8

How have we not had a K redraw version of this yet, go for it Fushimi-kun~

9 23

Words cannot express how sad I am that this doujinshi is novel only :/

0 4

Randomly thinking about Matchablossom and I'm not saying this probably happened at some point but I think this probably happened at some point

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