

18+ This twitter is for my art and my FA is furaffinity.net/user/rikuredo, my main twitter is @rikuredark

My Fantastic Icon is by Zaphyray!

フォロー数:46 フォロワー数:169

Drawing of 's Kalidor done to mess him up :3c

15 42

Seems Claude's had a bit too much coffee, though he's not complaining at all about it. This adorable guy was designed by

3 12

A quick drawing of the Green ranger all bloated up!

7 22

Something's got Toxic mad! Guess that name doesnt just refer to his motif huh?

1 4

's Porin's lookin chunkier recently, wonder what the guy's been eating |3c

1 2

A sloshed dragon lettin loose!

11 23

Whoops, seems Nao got caught in a freezing water bloat trap and is now swollen and stuck!

18 69

The player character for in the campaign im running named Cidel Alcastle! Love this lil guy~

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A fully colored Hatun showing off his dancing prowess~

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This'll be uploaded late, but that new Path of Exile league has a boss that interested so I decided to make an anthro version of them

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