

For us, it's about trust and belonging in this world. You know what I mean? (she/they 30↑)
i7 ⛰️❄️💚 | パラライ 🚬 | エイトリ 🎹🍜🎨

フォロー数:706 フォロワー数:1157

*repost (I fixed some things)

happy birthday yuki :) ❄️💚

9 22

Endless passion is talent

62 123

but it's just yamato

3 21

the way the y lines up with his fingers lmao someone had fun designing this

0 9

Wait I need to show you something very important. it's yuki's birthday card from last year

0 2

thank you for the concern my friend I'm glad you aren't suffering too much

0 1