

🇨🇦🇵🇭🏳️‍🌈🎮🏋🏽‍♀️🥊🥋 • 2XKO Champ Designer @riotgames • She/Her • FGC • The champ came first •

フォロー数:392 フォロワー数:2335

I think in my head it was like Inuyasha where the eggs are like the Shikon no Tama and Lorelai is like Kikyou... And everyone wants a shard for ultimate power....


...That's a super dated reference isn't it.

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Basic pre-reqs for a sports anime:
1. New student who is unusually talented at the sport because of an odd reason.
2. Rivals in a different school. Tournament brackets set up so they can only meet at finals.
3. Crushing defeat, then training montage, then redemption match.

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Ooo that’s a good idea! I need to bribe a friend who has a 3D printer.

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All right guys, let's try something this week. I'm gonna stream every weeknight from 6pm-8pm PT on Hope to see you there <3

2 24

Levelling up from Focus T25 to today. Let's get ript fam :D

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After 25 episodes of I am SO PUMPED TO WORK OUT.

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