

Ripley| 28 | Artist, Voice Actor | 🏳️‍⚧️ They/She | Sonic, OCs, and Dungeons and Dragons mainly

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My girl Lotty got to go on a date??? with 's character, Rielle, in our last Modern session and she was having a panic attack the entire time

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A couple more characters for the Modern Campaign I’m running! Designing NPCs is honestly my favorite pastime

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Luther is an OC I love tweaking when I throw him into games, but I think I've settled on Warlock being my favorite, story wise. Maybe I'll make a webcomic about him, who knows. My friends are more invested in him than i am jsghsfjk

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Have some recent designs for my modern campaign I’m prepping for where the PCs attend a college to learn their ‘classes.’ Bu dum tss

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Me and some friends redesigned our old OCs from when we were like 12, so take some of my boys! They’re all hoes now cuz it’s all I know how to draw

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Heyo! Go by Bucci on here! They/He, Pan ☺️ I like drawing my DnD characters and some Jojo stuff!


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I’m starting a new campaign pretty soon, running the session 0 on Tuesday! Here are some of the new NPCs I’m makin’! They’re all teachers of the different 5e classes.

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So, the last was fun! I couldn't think of anything else when Nott chose to run across the water.

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