

#Reylo #POC #Muslim I make Reylo edits youtu.be/F4g0OwP4510

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“...Whatever future she thought she saw ahead of him [Kylo]
Rey would wait, however difficult that would be to do. She would wait and the future would unfold as the Force willed” ~ TLJ novelization

59 185

TROS doesn’t make this explicit but the “no attachment” rule in the prequels is the reason why the Reylo kiss is so important!Prequels viewed attachment as a path to the darkside, but and love and connection steered Ben to the Light AND saved the galaxy.

124 496

I'm giving yall the benefit of the doubt for not including Rey and Ben Solo becus of spoiler reasons. Star Wars doesn't do vanilla, these couples follow some of the most contentious tropes. They’re epic, have galactic stakes, provoke discussion and are deeply romantic. <3

13 154

This is so soft. instinctively caresses hand before she is even fully awake. 😿 She was ready to pounce the moment he turned!

25 98

Bro do you kiss your sister like that! That’s disgusting and you know it. JJ was talking about leaving the door open in The Force Awakens becus he’s like that, but he mentions “romance” in literally the same sentence. Some of yall are delusional.

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Jenny was posting the article on the data about the very diverse women who get harassed for shipping, a lot of which happened after JB posted that tweet. I mean if you think these comments are ok idk what to tell u.

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Rey and Ben Solo’s kiss conveys so much love, tenderness and softness, all with no dialogue! it’s the complete opposite of the passionate and contentious relationship btw and

“As if she could actually reach out and touch his hand, his face, his hair.” ~ Jason Fry

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So an article drops detailing the abuse female fans face online and your first thought is that it’s “biased”. Sorry did the researcher pull that data out of her ass? You realise people actually tweeted that abuse.

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