

I love music so I make it, I love Anime & Manga so I talk about it. If you’re interested check it out

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Let’s check this out

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Y’all was hating on Ha-Jae but were only 10 chapters into eternal force so far and I can already tell he’s the knight Shioon is going to need in the future

He’s the perfect disciple to bring up and friend to have in this position as the Sunwoo clan leader

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Honestly there hasn’t been a single series I’ve enjoyed reading weekly more than Omniscient Reader as of late

Every chapter has been amazing to me and the art is perfection

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Chapter 101 of Omniscient Reader was a 10/10 wow

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The sharing of the memories between the Yuseung of the past and present is insane

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Gilyoung and Yuseung only thinking about the safety of Dokja despite there lives being at stake is so heartwarming

He’s really been their father figure in this twisted world of survival

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The designs for Professor Sada and Nemona are amazing

And the red glove/wristband Nemona is wearing may be the next gimmick for the games

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The Starling Party is one of my favorite groups out I love their individual personalities and chemistry as a team

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These monster designs are insane wow

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SIU was showing off Bam nonstop this chapter and it was great

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