

Musician and Artist / Certified Boy Kisser / 21 / He/Him Pronouns /
Chronically Eepy.
Posts suggestive stuff!
NSFW: @TheBreedingDen

フォロー数:1117 フォロワー数:1803


3 23

i had fun with this!

thank you for inspiring me in doing a bunch of stuff!

i look forward to more of your works!


8 25

hey guys. long axolotl

4 25

single again for this year's valentines

4 34

my dumbass brain forgot to post this alsgakdjdjd

14 69

Hi guys im doing a Dorime/Ameno YCH

$15.00 each!
Any species / yes humans are included.
Ill be taking up to only 5 clients!

Dm me for more info.

15 38