

Musician and Artist / Certified Boy Kisser / 21 / He/Him Pronouns /
Chronically Eepy.
Posts suggestive stuff!
NSFW: @TheBreedingDen

フォロー数:1117 フォロワー数:1803

oh god i forgot to post this here haha

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Commission work from thanks duder cx

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I messed the lighting up lol

1 10

random grill doodle

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I wanna thank again for making wonderful art. (Jesus i cant thank you enough)

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I drew a doggo but its a bit Assthethicc

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dying in progress

0 3

Welp.. im bored lol

0 19

Omg the new wacom tablets look pretty

0 10

Forgot to post this here. fml lol

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