

Hola, no tengo Internet desde hace 4 años por culpa del robo de cables de CANTV en Venezuela, de vez en cuando voy a cybers a bajar contenido.

フォロー数:300 フォロワー数:176

Neil Gaiman selling Angela to Marvel it is still one of the weirdest moves ever. Was this Neil a sick idea of a joke so McFarlane could never get the character back?Beats me.

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One of my favorite moments from Valiant comics is actually very short. XO Manowar vs Peter Stanchek. Two of their most powerful heroes. Mostly thanks to Tomas Giorello art. Now I want XO vs Harada.

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Damn. Harbinger Wars 2. Issue 0 explains so much of the actual event. Now everything makes more sense. I couldn't get it back then because it was mail only. But thanks to Deluxe Edition now is available.

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Watched Kubo with my mom. We both love it. It is a beautiful Stop motion film. Tons of fun and memorable characters a bit predictable but It has one of the most intelligent endings Ive seen in a while. The only thing that needed to be perfect was better music. Note: 9/10.

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It was about the female characters in mecha. Which is true. They are the best!

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