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We should've punished Saudi Arabia after they funded the 9/11 hijackers. Now they are using U.S. weapons to commit atrocities in Yemen, not to mention murdering journalists. It is time to cut them off. https://t.co/qyxN3zkd5H #Kashoggi #SaudiArabia #Yemen #FreePress #journalism
Dr. Ford's testimony was moving, guileless and absolutely credible. I believe her. Then, when Kavanaugh came out, it devolved into a bunch of angry white men screaming about Democratic conspiracies. #DrChristineBlaseyFord #DrFord #Kavanaugh #Trump #LindsayGraham
Trump was laughed at during his speech at the United Nations when he said his administration had accomplished more in two years than any administration in history. Good one, Donald! https://t.co/ej2nJ3Pzkg #Trump #UnitedNations #LaughingStockOfTheWorld @realDonaldTrump
The GOP should be worried about more than just whether to embrace Trump in the Mid-Terms. They need to worry about the wave of women candidates and voters in the era of #MeToo. #Trump #Kavanaugh #Democrats #women #Midterms2018 https://t.co/yZcVLiOKik
It would be great if Kavanaugh's confirmation could be stopped ... but don't count your chickens before Orrin Hatch. https://t.co/YlGeDAm9EN #Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation #Trump #ClarenceThomas #AnitaHill #MeToo @realDonaldTrump
Trump keeps insisting that the White House is running like a well-oiled machine. Sure, if it's a machine that cranks out chaos, lies and disgruntled employees. https://t.co/IL9jkLC35q … #Trump #NYTimesOpEd #BobWoodwardBook #Fear #WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump
Giuliani on Meet the Press said that "truth isn't truth" when trying to explain why it would be a perjury trap for Trump to sit down with Mueller. The crazy train continues. Rudy's Truth cartoon: https://t.co/1NUPxcefe6 #RudyGiuliani #TruthIsntTruth #Trump #Collusion
Trump's attacks on the media go against everything this country stands for. A democracy depends on journalists to keep the powerful in check and the public informed. Please share my Free Press cartoon: https://t.co/qly3Iq7asK #FreePress #FreeSpeech @AAEC_Cartoonist
One year since Charlottesville. Time to bring back a cartoon I drew last year. Rather than condemn the racist marchers, Trump embraced and defended them. Unbelievable. https://t.co/slWdljVawD #Trump #Charlottesville #WhiteSupremacists #Racists @realDonaldTrump
No Collusion cartoon: https://t.co/zv7auRaouz #Collusion #Trump #Russia #Mueller