

A hobby artist who posts a lot about space! Drawings in media tab, occasional art shill, telescope fan, Chinese-Aussie 🇦🇺 | 📧 [email protected]

フォロー数:751 フォロワー数:697

Robot Girl Moment

19 52

A two-day-old red blood cell takes a detour during her oxygen delivery assignment.

8 29

My attempt at replicating Gigi D.G.'s art style while in a Cucumber Quest nostalgia-fueled haze.

10 40

I don't own a suit, much less one of such dignification, but one can dream. ,':-)

0 33

Zero bucks because I belly laughed at this.

12 37

It's always a joy to draw wonky-looking dogs after a long day...

20 74

Parker Solar Probe!

14 68