

Robin who? def contais NSFW. Artist. All characters are 18+ regardless of canon. DO NOT REPOST MY ART thanks (what are fandoms)

フォロー数:287 フォロワー数:1154

are ruining me! I’m a monster fucker JUDGE ME ALL TOU WANT

9 67

I’ve started watching
Oh no.

5 14

do I need to caption this?..

2 9

New post on my p-a-treon
Smutty things going on~ >:3

8 39

I'm sharing this momet again, because I'm rarely proud of what I do and this series of portraits is an exception and I want everyone to see it.
⚡️ “Castlevania” by

Ps: okay maybe except Dracula he’s pretty eh.

3 5

thank you, PC twitter picture cropping

0 6

I’m rushing this a bit cause dang Halloween is a-coming!!
Also what could be more romantic than taking off sweatpants

4 15

Page 3
I mean… I’m pretty sure y’all saw this coming XD

8 42

DANG did I spend a long time debating my fav. I really love both Yashi and Dou, but I also love Kage with such profoundness, cause I was reading this manga from back when Yashi was in love with him. And I also sorta fell in love with that big idiot, who is absolutely clueless to-

0 3

I swear, the amount of times I went “awwww look at this puppy” when they showed
is so sweet

4 16