

A guy who makes digital and pixel art of characters. Memes and rambles about loving dragons. Tea and dragon lover, always tired, mentally ill, he/him, friendly.

フォロー数:3801 フォロワー数:696
# art oc

I need to do more full bodies, even more just doodley things too. So here's an Adira I did! She's battle ready and could beat you up! Well, with good reason that is. Hope you like it! ^^

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7. Rhyperior. He's a sexy tank, like wow he's cool and fun!

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6. Orbeetle. I love this epic tanky mind control villain bug! It's epic!

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5. Sandaconda. Best snek! Snek is presh!

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4. Vaporeon. Bulky water baby, I love.

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3. Noivern. Lovely batto dragon.

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2. Ribombee. Best fairy bug bab.

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1. Giratina. Both forms are beautiful and I love him.

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Sure I'll do this bandwagon

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