Robinloft Games | 5e MONSTER TOOLSさんのプロフィール画像

Robinloft Games | 5e MONSTER TOOLSさんのイラストまとめ

Bringing digital tools to tabletop gamers.

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Why do fools fall in love? It's probably Cupid's fault!

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"[Undead creatures] perished, just as any mortal being eventually does, only to be brought to an unnatural state of pseudo-life through necromancy or perhaps some curse that is harder to understand.” - Robinloft Archives | |

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“[Plant monsters] are still made of leaves and stems despite their improved intelligence and capability for hostility and evil. Most are also ambulatory to some degree, so don’t let their rooted appearance fool you.” - Robinloft Archives | |

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“[A]ll fiends have the reputation—and certainly the ability—to be full of pure malice and evil. However, some do choose to leave for other planes of existence […]” - Robinloft Archives | Try our monster editor MONSTER QUILL in alpha now at! |

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"Giants are named by our people for their size, but they also loom large in history, myth, and legend." - Robinloft Archives | |

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