

MTG cards designed by an RNN. Trained by @CocoaMix86. Not official content.
Inspired by @RoboRosewater.…

フォロー数:165 フォロワー数:14084

Full art + alternate arts for Sigil of Orrow

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Full art for Maniforgen Honder

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Sporecurrency, Discord contest winner by Kafkaesque

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Full art for Dissider Doomsayer, Brainsage, Opal Ward, and Grazing Talferhoul

0 19

Just finished up a new cube for the discord server! (my 5th, not counting Spiral Chaos). Hoping to schedule a draft soon. Theme is "Changeling Invasion." Every card has some kind of tribal support... but often doesn't match its own types! Here are a few spoilers:

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