

フォロー数:229 フォロワー数:1071

Just in case, I'm not sleeping, I'm making commissions. ;P

4 30

Stylized ft fred boy wip.

1 19

So, here new poster, as I've said, I doing them! Stylized circus baby and stylized bidybabs by me and my darling . So ye, hope ya like it. Its not the best I can do but still,I haven't done arts for a long time ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯.

6 37

Of course I want to keep in a secret what we making for Halloween, but damn, I spent too much nerves and effort on it to just hide it now. Its wip of Gorgon Medusa - Circus Baby skin.

28 309

Still hard working , model by me and :p

4 47



Sometimes I just think, that a lot of people hate scrap baby design cuz a lot of fan made models are inaccurate and ugly.( no offense )

2 11

Wellp, heres full look on Plague chica and Springlock chica

0 15