

My name's Bailey Gardner! I'm an animation student at HUAZ. I hope you guys enjoy my drawings and animation projects

I also have an instagram @roguephoenix0328

フォロー数:11 フォロワー数:10

[P3/3] I love all of the characters (mammon is my BOY 💛) the settings, the cards, the writing, all of it is amazing!

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[P2/3] But they nailed it with Obey Me! I recommend it to anyone who plays gachas or otomes. The team pours so much talent and love into it and it shows.

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[P1/3] Obey me! is one of my favorite games, so when ObeyMax started I couldn't help but participate every day! These are some of my favorites! I love Shall We Date games (Nifleheim was my fav)

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