

37-Ace(Demi)-Minors DNI!-Occasional NSFW art!-COMMS OPEN!-All chars are 18+-AO3 is Amy326-Charlastor fixation


フォロー数:5668 フォロワー数:779

Well, we have reached the end of an era. I am super sad it ended, but all good things do eventually. I will continue to draw content. I will continue to enjoy the characters that have come to mean so much to me over the last half decade.

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My first paid commission! Thank you so much
for choosing me to do this for you! I loved working with you, and hope to again.

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I love drawing especially realistic WD. She is so fucking fabulous.

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My commissions are open. I mostly do fanart but I lvoe doing all kinds of stuff. Commission inquiries DM here or Slayerbabe_16.com. Thank you!

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My fairy is a few inches tall but she can enlarge herself to about 5'2". My Cloudberry Goddess is 7'0". I love your work and hope to see one of my OC's with yours!

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My name is Amy! <3 I love to do fanart but have been venturing into Original characters and art.

Thank you for this thread!

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I don’t know what to say about this one. I drew it thinking about temptations and choices. A little self conscious of this one. It took me awhile to decide to post it. *shrugs* lol.

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My fancy Cloudberry OC. I love her so much.

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Thank you ! This is my Cloudberry. I kinda drew her like a Steven Universe character unintentionally but I’m not upset about it.

Cloudberry is a goddess and her powers are cloud based, she can float, create clouds and make others float as well.

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