

artist. previous MICA student. here's some of the art that I make. (inspo twitter : @teatwone )

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:1018

Imagine the infinite vastness of the cosmos being the backdrop to your love...


134 327

Just, imagine being so in love...


130 319

So, it seems I've fallen in love with Star Trek: TOS in this year of 2019...


299 587

more star friends~

⭐️ [2/2]

44 63

" seeing what comes next. . . i can't afford not to care anymore. "

  What You Sow ( a geno-run sans playlist )

2 8

like, not only is there that unique character foil, their similar goofball sense of humor, the Promise, but also....

just, the idea that The Queen of Monsters would leave The King of Monsters &hook up with the local lazy sentry &younger skeleman is-- it's so friggin' good man.

7 26


so, uh, soriel is flippin' moe?? ?

9 32

hey, wanna guess who's the slowest person in the world to play & fall in love with undertale?

2 14

◮ D O U B L E • Ǝ ꓶ ꓭ ꓵ O ꓷ ◭

" . . . you can lose yourself. everything. all boundaries. all time. that two bodies can become so mixed up, that you don't know who's who or what's what . . . "

( tribute to 's "What Comes After." )

55 213