

He/Him (and yours❤️) ENG/ESP Anime fan and quite the nerd. Drawing what I like. Beware my horny (^-^)/ 🔞

フォロー数:1516 フォロワー数:194

Quick Mahito doodle, one which cant quite capture his embodiment of perfection *hand signs intensify*

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Sygna suit Leon😏 His outfit would fit right in legends Arceus as a ninja type char lmao

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Raihan doodle that I wont finish lmao. Just got fed up with the pose, I’ll try again next time.

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A friend asked me to draw a car and so I did but beaten up. It then inspired me to draw the eizouken squad as I recalled its post climate backdrop. Truly great world-building. Not totally happy with the end result so I might revisit

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Monster brothers doodle. What are they fighting? (Just a wild Pioran being silly)

Maybe I should make a manga strip w/ the idea...eventually

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Time to start winter holidays right with some link fanart

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Henlo, saw butch hartman trending so I wanna bandwagon off of him to promote my art 👉👈 I mainly draw anime fanarts for now as I practice my skills. Here are some pieces that im proud of

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Doodles of dat boy Kuroo for practice -w-

Trying things out. Expressions grabbed from the anime 😉

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Some redraws of certain scenes that caught my eye, for practice ✨

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