

artist, german robot person, robot fucker extraordinaire

Discord: rollerlane
Comm Queue:

フォロー数:1229 フォロワー数:9502

You'll be passing me in a week lmao. Keep up the good work I love seeing your stuff in my feed

0 7

say hello to the first oc I ever made, now brought to life for the first time. Rozalin, or just Roze/Rose.

She's a rocker chick and a metalhead, and she punches very, very hard, be careful!

13 83



do any art mutuals who use csp know how to fix this shit. happens every time I colour something while using my lineart as a reference layer. I have to unreference it then go over all of these lines again to fix it and its getting tedious.

1 1

Twitch Possum works it~ YCH for my friend

14 71



Huntress sings you a lullaby 🎵🎶~

17 85

how I handle comms + wip
feels good to be able to draw again

8 42

I forgot to post this last night oops.
cat tats commission for

10 41

Amanda is enjoying her recent "buffs"

22 99