

🇵🇷 | @FraudKrew | constant pfp swapping | bong hit transplant | my posts speak better than this tiny description

フォロー数:53 フォロワー数:208

imagine being seven like I was and getting this

37 78

I couldn't unsee it and now all of you who've played Resident Evil Gaiden can't too

22 36

remember when Tessa sent Ryu out to die

38 69

The devs at Platinum have already covered the other Toku bases with Viewtiful Joe at Capcom (Kamen Rider), later with W101 on their own (Sentai) and a case could be made with Astral Chain or Vanquish being Metal Heroes. Project G finishes it all up with Ultraman :)

28 73

I dunno which is funnier, squatting-about-to-cry Sagat or confused "where's my car" Sagat

3 5

I love it when MUGEN conversions just have moves that zoom in leading to incredibly silly moments like so

24 59