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# tezos

I know this is a fast paced space that expects a timely turn around but between the pressures of that and commissions i am burning that bridge and choosing the slow lane.
So this slow lane is planning to have an exhibition next year

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When i was new to crypto over a year ago i set up a kukai wallet i don't know how i managed it but i accidentally set up two while only having one seed phrase.

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Alice falling down the rabbit hole

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I was out of control so I took a Valium which didn’t work then another however then I felt like a jack in the box who’s handle was turning playing do do dinnni do do music
And the tension was building & the song was drumming
I was desperate to leap out but the lid was jammed shut

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Looking for the way back home

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Self portrait stuck in a box

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Todays gift is this
i think i have four left.

Maybe you are feeling down or jaded about this place, maybe lonely

Maybe this little gift could cheer you up

Bring some hope

Drop your eth wallet address below and we will see what i can do

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He leapt into my arms and there we stayed
Cheek against the warn soft of the old dressing gown
His big brother took the photo
You’ll want to draw this Mum

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I've been painting in ink since i was sixteen
I always return to it
We express each other
Everyone calls it watercolour but me and ink know best

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