

フォロー数:2470 フォロワー数:5422

Hi I am Amelia a multidisciplinary artist from Australia. My style jumps around but always with warmth and a feminine eye. I am also the creator of

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Because no mother deserves to be in prison especially not for poverty, I am auctioning off this piece for the Australian charity Sisters Inside who work with women, many mothers, who have been separated from their family because of incarceration

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I know it costs nothing to retweet an artist however you do have that work on your time line but it costs absolutely nothing to like a piece or four

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I am doing a series of traditional drawings around the theme of motherhood for mothers day next week

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My style jumps around a bit but how could i explore this large theme of intimacy with just one voice

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The thirs phase of my motherhood journey was trying to get used to multiple kids. It's engrossing, it's distracting, you're leaping from place to place all the time trying to get to know your new child

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I recently did these two exploring the notion of a woman bringing her own identity to the act of nursing

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Hi, I'm Amelia a multidisciplinary artist from Australia. I create art that explores nudity, motherhood, mental health and expression. I'm also the creator of the .

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Hello my collection of expressionist women are here

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