

✉️ Business inquiries; [email protected]⚡️ Fueled by @GFuelEnergy | @GamerAdvantage | @SkullShaver

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Tired as heckin heck💤

... Goin LIVE!

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Witness me become a 🪑

We are just starting our journey to prove that we deserve a full partnership with

We finished our 2021 campaign (always open to donations year-round) but that battle never stops!

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The Krazies Subathon starts right now!

Come hang out & enjoy the rage of the newest Binding of Isaac DLC: Repentance!

If you've got things to do, lurks are greatly appreciated & highly valued as well!!

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We have finally arrived in
Taking a much needed breather from Tarkov, let's see if we can get addicted in one night!

Joined by the legendary for our first experience in these foreign lands!

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I've got an idea...

Be kind to someone right now...

Message then, and tell them that you care about them, and you hope they are doing well.

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It's time for some more tonight!

One of the greatest JRPG's of all time, released by in 1995 on the SNES.

I played it several times growing up, now it's time to finally beat it on stream & put it in the books!

Join me! >

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What was your favorite gen 1 pokemon growing up? Charmander was my pick, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

Also, we live!
Every sub/resub OR 50+ bits & you choose which gen 1 pokemon hangs on stream with us, omegaLUL

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Tim &

First & Foremost - Congrats on becoming a father! Seriously life changing, I know it changed mine!

Now down to business 🥳
I definitely meet all the requirements, or at least I think a mic is what I talk into 🤣

I'll attach an end game video to this comment :)

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