

3D Rendering,
Emergency Medical Technician

Migrating to blue yonder.

🔞 Minors DNI

フォロー数:1155 フォロワー数:26062

Post your "I don't have a type" starter pack.

14 159

Maybe not, but we do like to have the option.

5 63

Oh, Disney. No.

No you don't get to hide after doing it yet again.

Not only did you not include Finn in any of these at all, but you fuckin' omitted him. You don't get to hide.

Hoo boy. Oh man.

18 102

No context "Today on Twitter" only using images I have saved on my tablet.

6 64

I dont see your point and I dont expect anything less whwn you say retarded shit like "Europeans are Americans if they work in Hollywood" when being told someone like HR Giger wasnt from the US.

Also, you just gonna ignore like..60% of all classic, diplomatic and cultural scifi?

0 17