Fen 🌿 UKGE 1-526さんのプロフィール画像

Fen 🌿 UKGE 1-526さんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator, author, folklorist 🌿 Author of Botanical Curses & Poisons; the Citadel Oracle Deck; Herbarium 🌿 Owner of @CrowCrownStudio

フォロー数:633 フォロワー数:13389

An old superstition about the mandrake is that it 'shines like lightning until approached' - a feature noted by multiple Roman scholars. In reality, Mandrake leaves are particularly attractive to fireflies, which would well explain the mystical vanishing lights.

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In the mid-1950s, two holly trees were cut down in a Devonshire parish, leading to violent protests from the locals, who feared that this would produce havoc from poltergeists. New trees were promptly replanted by the council and no hauntings were ever reported.

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In Cornwall strawberries are beloved by the fae, and the first fruit of the season is ‘given to the gods of the garden’ for a good harvest. In Bavaria, baskets of strawberries are hung from the horns of cattle to pay the spirits in trade for healthy herds and a year of good milk.

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Dandelions are a great aid for tracking wildlife - the sap takes at least 12 hours to dry, even in hot weather, and so is a great tell as to the age of a trail. The sap can also be used to make homemade rubber band - just spread the sap in a thin line and tie together once dried!

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Only one four-leafed clover grows for approximately every ten thousand standard clovers! In early Irish Celtic tradition, a four-leafed clover was believed to protect against misfortune and bestow the power to see fairies.

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A legend tells of a workman & princess who plan to wed. The king agrees only if Farhad finishes an impossible task. Farhad does so, so the king lies that Shirin is dead. Farhad dies of grief, & when Shirin hears of this she also passes away, finally making the king an honest man.

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It's still cold, but spring is on its way! Early herbs like chickweed are important ingredients in early spring salads. The Japanese festival of Nanakusa no Sekku sees a dish prepared that includes early herbs such as chickweed and radish as a way to bring longevity and health.

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Magnolia is another one of my favourites in the deck. There are lots of mature magnolias along the street that I live on, and though their flowers are brief, they're so beautiful to me. What flowers do you look forward to seeing every spring?

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A legend about the Lily of the Valley tells of how it fell in love with the nightingale's song, but lacked courage to confess its feelings. Come winter the nightingale left, and the lily wilted in its grief, only flowering again when the nightingale returned in the spring.

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