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4️⃣ Lobo Facts ⬇️

Bonus Facts He became the last Czarnian after killing the rest of his planet for a school project. He gave himself an A.

Bonus Fact He is banned from both Heaven and Hell.

Bonus Fact His favorite animal is the space dolphin.

57 167

Infinity War really does have everyone...

186 377

Nanna, Nanna, Nanna, Nanna, Batman!

47 37

Dude, relax. You can breath under water.

5 12

Yes, Captain Canada is real… but he must be the most bored super hero of all time.

24 19

Just more proof that Batman is the world’s greatest detective.

117 95

Would Fix-It Felix not make the perfect Robin?

83 100

Superman… you jealous, bro?

55 63

Robin sounds really disappointed… (Batman, 1951)

64 52