

Hear me out - Round Felines! (28 he/him - straight/ace?) No minors, please!

Check out my Telegram channel!……

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This time, I was told I could draw "as big as I wanted to," and it IS March, so~!

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Aah, so what you're saying is, I should redo this old sequence of mine~

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Oh heck, congrats!! ^A^/

I'd love to see my lion trying to work off some lbs. That or a VERY unfit lifeguard lion~! <3

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"How to fatten up a lion in 6 easy steps!"

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Year of the tiger, eh?

𝘝𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘶𝘵, 𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦...!

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Oh, gosh! I can't believe how fast this time has gone!! I wish you the absolute best on your studies! <3

If you wanted to, I'd love to see a recently lardy lifeguard lion, either walking/waddling along the beach or awkwardly climbing up his tower~!
(Any chubby to CHONKY size!)

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Without the dates, it's hard to tell which was my Senior HS photo and my Senior college photo! (I swear they used the same crew, but nobody seemed to recognize me.)

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Aaand finally, I know he's been tagged, but I can't help but tag my pal !! He's one of my closest friends~! <3
He's in a bit of a rough patch right now with his work, but I'd love to help brighten his day!! He's a talented artist, animator, and all around sweet guy!

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Yes exaaaactly!!

Yeah, it's a wee bit embarrassing when folks who were pudge balls when he left the gym are now all slimmed down and poking fun at HIM~

He'd used to joke that they were too big for some of the machines, but now he's much too big for them for real! <3

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Hey, that's definitely true! It's not as if months upon months of lazing about would cause any atrophying of his once-impressive musculature, or that it takes all the cat's remaining strength just to lift the blubbery tub of lard he's become, right~?

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