The Four Loko flavored sharkさんのプロフィール画像

The Four Loko flavored sharkさんのイラストまとめ

Buff Shark girl simp and proud -22 - he/him cis, Bi and Demi - black metal and Slam vocalist - NO MINORS, NO ZOOS N PEDOS 🚫

フォロー数:1510 フォロワー数:4101

Goin with death metal for this babe 😤🤘🏻and have 4 because I couldn’t decide.

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ITS TIME YOU METAL LOVING MOTHERFUKKAS!!! Give me an oc and optionally a metal sub genre and I’ll choose a theme song for them! If you don’t choose a sub genre I’ll choose a song that fits best for them 🤘🏻😈🤘🏻 FOLLOWERS ONLY BUT FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW TO JOIN IN!!!!

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Here are some of mine… ur ocs really pretty btw 👉👈

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Gonna submit these 3 girls n let you choose if I win!!! Thank you so much for the chance!!!!

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Ok I’m genuinely curious, Who or what was your first furry crush, it can be ocs tv show characters anything really! I’m jus curious. My first OC crush was Velvela who I blame for turning me into a furry and Rouge the bag from sonic X was my first Tv furry crush

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