

Ballet Dancer,Artist,Photographer🌸everything beautiful, arts/knowledge/humour/and the rest🌟 My Notebook: ✨what delights my senses and captivates my mind✨

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✨The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it✨
-Kalpana Chawla

Christian Schloe🎨

7 45

🌷When you create a soul, plant the seeds of love with your thoughts, words, and actions . The soul flourishes among the flow-ers of love🌷
Happiness is a choice. Your Choice
-Revathi Sankaran

The Seeds of Love
Carrin Welz-Stein🎨

1 45

💛Love is a magic ray emitted from the burning core of the soul, illuminating
the surrounding earth. Enables us to perceive life as a beautiful dream between one awakening & another
💛Trust in dreams for in them is the hidden gate to eternity
-Kahlil Gibran

Gaelle Boissonnard🎨

11 50

Une rencontre est jamais un hasard
Souvent au moment où on s'y attend le moins, cela chamboule notre vie!
Il suffit d'un instant. Un regard. Pour bouleverser une existence. La bonne personne, le bon moment. Le caprice complice du hasard.
- G. Musso

ThreeSixFiveArt- H.Mitchell

1 33

💛Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to let it go, but you must. A bird is not meant to be caged. Sometimes it hurts to hold on….So
you let go of what you love…but then just get it back and….

TheDarkRayne - DeviantArt🎨

4 54

💕Il n’y a rien de plus précieux en ce monde que le sentiment d’exister pour quelqu’un💕
💕Aimer, c’est savoir dire je t’aime sans parler. Aimer, c’est vivre ; aimer, c’est voir ; aimer, c’est être💕
-Victor Hugo

Painting by Aldo Balding🎨

5 46

“Ni l'or ni la grandeur ne nous rendent
“On rencontre sa destinée, Souvent par des chemins qu'on prend pour l'éviter”
-Jean de La Fontaine

Christian Schloe🎨

0 26

L'univers est une enigme bouleversante des que je m'interroge à son sujet, je me sens plus vivant. Peu importe que nous ne puissions pas répondre à toutes les questions: méditer, cela suffit.
En se posant ce genre de questions nous sentons que nous sommes en vie
-Jostein Gaarder

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Once upon a time✨

“A certain cat had made the acquaintance of a mouse, and had said so much to her about the great love and friendship she felt for her, that at length the mouse agreed that they should live and keep house together”
-Grimms' Fairy Tales 💕✨


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A butterfly🦋
Came floating gently through the sky
He soared up through the atmosphere
Then drifted close enough to hear
I said “I’d love to fly with you & sail around the way you do It looks like it would be such fun to fly up toward the summer sun”

- C, Schloe🎨

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