uguu ✨さんのプロフィール画像

uguu ✨さんのイラストまとめ

I'm Emma she/her ♡ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )⊃ I make art for fun. Formerly @/GetTwittapated
Please follow my Tumblr!

フォロー数:659 フォロワー数:182

In December 2021 I started working on my Meet The Artist again which I plan to finish this month!
Happy New Year!
Every year I give myself a goal of finishing one art piece every month. Let's go 2022!! 💪

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My November 2021 folder is completely empty so heres a couple of other random unfinished pieces from this year
First is a piece inspired by the song Sugarcrash
the second is a screencap redraw of Kirby 64
third is a sketch of an ancient OC of mine from middle school

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October 2021
Lots of stuff started but not finished.
Going to make it a goal for this year to finish the piece of Mary watering flowers.

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September 2021

Wouldnt remind returning to this one someday

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August 2021

I drew up Mella, my Fey Wanderer Ranger that I'm playing in D&D!

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July 2021 is where I really start falling off.

I didnt finish this Rei. I doubt I will at this point, seems a shame

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June 2021 I did my yearly Miraculous Mary!! 💕

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March 2021

I wasn't a fan of the Barbie/Miku piece at the time, but in hindsight it doesnt look so bad. I love the Ruby Gloom so much tho 🥰

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February 2021 (I fell asleep oops lol)

I finished Sailor Moon t̶h̶i̶s̶ last year and its definitely one of my favorite series. I still have a pile of screenshots I'd love to redraw if I feel like it

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