

Chocho Akimichi💘 ( Mitsucho )

フォロー数:545 フォロワー数:647

She didn't wanna share so she quickly ate it on purpose 😅#mitsucho

12 46

Teen and their couple matching outfits...sort of ~

21 111

MitsuChooooo 😍😍😍😍😍😍

1 1

Wind release : Breakthrough

8 68

Mitsuki blushing when Chocho finally give him the fangirl stare~ 🐍🦋

7 53

This was supposed to be my entry for mcweek day6, Mitsucho's golden's eyes~~

6 42



I just wanna say that Im still salty they didn't interact last episode 🗿

1 12

Why are you so cute Chocho??😭💕

18 92