

PFP: @tyuret_mm || Cover: @LadyBerry_707 (((IDK WtF w/Life))) // 707'lover // HYPster // ObeyMe // +∞ fandoms 🏳️‍⚧️📝🎨🎮🎤🇲🇽 TRAPFoolies author

フォロー数:1103 フォロワー数:325

I'm rooting f or you!🧡💜

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I... OMG... I felt more realized with this art than I would like to admit 🧡😳💜

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... I cannot find the words about how happy makes me read that bby Levi is growing to take the initiative 🌟🥲🧡 My MC would be too shocked to act to this ✨😳💦

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OMG! Is So adorable and Cute!!!

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OMG... He looks so cute, handsome, a little himbo and sweet... I love him and he have my heart. Thank you, K🧡

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Saw this in TL & this really made me think

I never felt attached to charas until my 11 yrs, when Middle School & I met my fav anime

Maybe speak a lot of me, my friends were scared I could understand the series... were hard times

People still call me by her name~

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I loved Ruthie and Sammy so much ✨🥺🙏🏻

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I suppousedly not be Mammon stan! Now this art is making me betray myself! ✨😳💛

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Sensei, You need your own *smol angry noises* meme

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