

Mostly posts about stuff that I like to draw :3
Not as active here right now

フォロー数:588 フォロワー数:45

Viola recolors too
wish i had thought to add patterns to the Daisy recolors i did awhile back but oh well i guess lol

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Mallow recolors :D

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trying out some copy paste thing so i can practice color schemes quicker and easier w/o wasting sketchbook space and made some randomly made plant elves for fun :D

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Heres my plant elf OC Daisy in this outfit :D
Saw it trending a few days ago and couldn't resist
The one on the right is supposed to look dark and night time like

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Art Dump :D
Here's some elves in hats plus an alt. outfit in full color for one of them :DD

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Thought it would be fun to whip up a quick background for my werewolf girl and even used a lighting effect to make it look dark :D

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Takara the Feline

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Frieda the Extraterrestrial

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Jane the Human aka True Monster

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