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Wendy and Mavis are fighting over Rennie again. This one could get messy. Who will be Rennies biggest groupie?. Tune in tonight to find out who is going in the trash.

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Special mentions go to...

, is an amazing artist. I've made over .2eth in NFTs and got 5 merch items coming this year from scavenging. 🎨

, OG in the space. Top and unique alpha fellow fudder and fud he does. Keeps us idiots safe. ❤️

1 2

So pumped with , I just claimed this from The cost of a ruby box is waaaaayy under the price of a Rareapepe get scavenging. Don't know how many times I need to tell you guys. GO BUY JUKIS

8 25

OK out of all my Harrys this has been chosen, so clean
for LFG!!!! done a fire job

3 5

I'm now part of the fam. Thanks to

and the whole team bring value. The aim of the game rn is to scavenge resources to craft gems to get 🔥 NFTs like SSS. The floor is .011 low gas in total .01 to craft, you do the math 🎁

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