

🇲🇨 26, Freelance 2D/3D Artist🎨, PC/Switch gamer🎮, Shmup,Fzero,Splatoon,PSO2,ZZZ,Kaiju no.8, Doom TDA is coming!

フォロー数:1245 フォロワー数:3511

At least Millia and Potemkin was there and im so glad! 😭 waiting for johnny next.

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Millia Rage-Guilty Gear Strive.
Another Guilty Gear Fanart. Hope you like it!
Advice are welcome.

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I think they're manipulate the shading/texture/vertex stuff which is beyond my knowledge, until it shows like 2d looks. And it's applied in Arcsys's future game like Granblue fantasy versus, Kill la kill IF, DBFZ and the new guilty gear strive. That's why arcsys is my fav dev

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MK21 Liu kang= Wiro sableng+Ryu

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