

Enjoyer of all things pomp related, and a fan of rubber

フォロー数:179 フォロワー数:722



Was just in that specific mood

7 49

So I was in the shower, and I came up with this great idea
The basic idea is:
A powerful hero in an rpg world comes across a 'Helpless Slime'
And you can either kill it, and gain nothing, or you can spare it
Should you spare it, it starts wrapping itself around you, (Part 1/2)

18 57

Part 2
He's defintely learned his lesson now. But it's too late, his mind is already gone
Now he's just a mindless null orc drone

24 94

Part 1
An old TF I finished up
Guess this knight should have been more careful
I'm sure he'll learn his lesson

36 125

A friend decided I looked better like this
And I have to agree!

12 67

A friends idea, with my guy Milo as the victim

9 26