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Happy #BuddhaPurnima to those celebrating the birth of the #Buddha today. Here, he is show being born from Queen Maya’s side. Next month is #SagaDawa, when Tibetans celebrate the Buddha’s birth, #enlightenment, and death.
(Birth of Buddha; Tibet; Rubin Museum of Art, C2004.14.6)
Happy #FirstDayofSpring! 🌸🌺🌼🌷 What are you doing to celebrate the #spring equinox?
(📜Detail from Amitayus, Buddha of Long Life; Rubin Museum of Art; Gift of Shelley and Donald Rubin; C2006.66.14)
“We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society” — #AngelaDavis #BlackHistoryMonth
(The Enlightened One, Lord of Shakya Clan, Shakyamuni Buddha; C2001.10.2)
Does enlightenment bring clarity to merge past, present, and future? Reincarnate lama Kilung Rinpoche and neuroscientist György Buzsáki offer Buddhist & Western perspectives 3/18>>>https://t.co/LD43JIOKTN
“Ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.”
— #JamesBaldwin
Embodied by a pig, ignorance is one of the three origins of suffering depicted in the Buddhist Wheel of Life. (Rubin Museum of Art; C2004.21.1) #BlackHistoryMonth
How does the Buddhist concept of reincarnation counter Western concepts of time? On 3/18, reincarnate lama Kilung Rinpoche & neuroscientist György Buzsáki discuss the brain’s interpretation of time thru their varied lenses. #Brainwave >>> https://t.co/LD43JIOKTN
In this piece, Queen Maya, the Buddha’s mother, dreamt of a white elephant piercing her side. Astrologers analyzed the dream & determined that Maya was pregnant with a great being. Talk about a destiny fulfilled! #MakeYourDreamsComeTrueDay
It’s #NationalPharmacistDay, but not all medicine comes from your local drugstore. This painting depicts Tibetan herbal medications, which use ingredients from plants, animals, and even precious gems. C2015.9.26
“Got to be cruel, to be kind” is lyric that is as clever as it is true. In traumatic situations, we sometimes avoid mercy for ourselves and others. Author Anne Lamott dissects. @BrainPickings shares excerpts. > https://t.co/3EFTAbPCUr
Grammy winner @TimOBrienmusic got hooked on bluegrass & Americana after seeing Doc Watson. He plays unplugged with singer, @janfab58, 11/17. > https://t.co/EIg3Y69oYO