

@RumaHashiro is temporarily unavailable because it violates the X Hateful Profile Policy. Learn more.

フォロー数:9 フォロワー数:20

compare my first drawing and the last one, it is clear that I already have progress. I will continue to try)

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in a few hours there will be a new art with haku, but keep it for now)

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всем привет :з сделал новый рисуночек с Хаку и Галей ( фуррсона моей девушки ) думаю вам понравится

hello everyone :з I made a new drawing with Haku and Galya (furrson of my girlfriend) I think you will like it 😎

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как никак начинать надо, так что ставим моего любимого Хаку на аву и радуемся жизни ^^

we need to start, so we put my beloved Haku on ava and enjoy life ^^

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