

|Rick|23|Professional Sh!tbag|Semi-hiatus

フォロー数:4956 フォロワー数:541

I finally finished my doodle drawing!!!

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A quick fan art of my favorite part of new video!

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My hair HAIR!!!!! OH MY GWOAD!!!!

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I was tagged by my Bro with his incredible and colorfull art!
Post 4 of your favorite works. I tag

2 7 I managed to finish and digitize the and drawings, and put them in my shop!

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I really wanted to grow my hair for it to look like Gohans hair, but I think I’m giving up...I am beginning to look like shenmue...although I would like mugen’s rats nest of a head....

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I finally digitized the hiyabusa nature drawing...I think I like it better with out color...

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