Rune Flynn, OFF TO BLUER SKIES. LATER NERDS.さんのプロフィール画像

Rune Flynn, OFF TO BLUER SKIES. LATER NERDS.さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:1821 フォロワー数:6727

Rescuing foxes is hard work. They both deserve a nap, I think.

49 235

Hi, I'm Rune, a faceblind portrait artist. I love irony, and writing stories no will ever read. :D

75 368

Hi there, I'm Rune. I'm a portrait artist who has prosopagnosia, loves and spends a lot of time writing. :)

42 135

Late! birthday present for my old raid leader of his night elf hunter.

( Her name is Cassderp, heh. :) )

19 141

For - thank you for your support this month!

2 21

This is all from the last year, and it's not everything. Whew.

16 48

spent the day in mudbox - contouring is painting and not sculpted. anyway i have no clue what i'm doing but i'm having A LOT OF fun

0 20