

UNI Player | Yuzu main| Haku from Utawarerumono is the best MC | ENG & SPA OK | Lots of Art RTs| Art Comm addict | He/Him | Play Trails!

フォロー数:2355 フォロワー数:2817

I wouldn't do that if I were you

0 2

Seeing UNI at Evo makes me feel like I should enter to support but I I don't want to compete in ps4 netplay

1 37

I didn't know we shared a color. I've seen you use a lot of different ones on your videos so I didn't think you had one you stuck to. if we're ever at the same event I'll def play you.... but not sure if I'd want to put down my color on the line. I'm kind of invested as you see..

0 1

WA UNI Intermediate Tournament!

5 11