

Compost the rich, grow tasty mushrooms

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フォロー数:563 フォロワー数:2573

Pinky's still pretty cool I guess

15 113

I'm still six foot tall but now my body is four of it and my legs are only a foot long... I sit on a kids chair to be eye level with you and every t-shirt shows off my belly. My pants come from the children's plus size aisle and my shoes from a clown supply website.

0 31

Ferret Bueller's day off.

9 63

No matter what happens today.

15 69

New icon to illustrate my mood for the next couple days

1 52

If your man cave doesn't look like Wile E Coyote's rock lined workshop you've missed a huge opportunity.

0 2

I'm still trying to parse what is happening right now and it's hard.

3 15