

“I want to be inside your darkest everything”-Frida Kahlo

フォロー数:498 フォロワー数:251

When you have a high tolerance for pain but your body is testing your breaking limits and pretty soon you’re gonna be out in streets looking all Ultra Instinct cuz fuck being pains bitch 😭

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You should check out mother’s soyrizo it’s been one of the best I’ve ever had. That on top of a avocado toast

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I could’ve wrote more but then I would’ve hugged the whole page lol

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Um whose crying at 4:30 am listening to TVSQ version of One Summer’s day? Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ that’s who lol 😭😭

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Thank you for blessing my timeline 🖤

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Me too! And I tend to always get blown away by the amazing artist or fanfic writers that do him justice 🖤

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