

A lifelong manga fan.
Former editor in chief of Weekly SHONENJUMP.

フォロー数:53 フォロワー数:22272

The latest chapters from No.31 are available for FREE here including color cover & the spread! It's to commemorate its anime coming! Enjoy both!

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This week's froggy Luffy reminds me that Tokyo is already in the rainy season.While loving to live in nice, dry weather of Bay Area, I sometime miss that sticky humidity of Tokyo in June.

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Congrats to for its 2nd anniversary! And about 2 years (+3700 something years) has passed in the manga, too.That's awesome how much progress Senku&Co. made in last 2 years!

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Meet Jotaro at VIZ booth!

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2016 is the year of Monkey. That is why there monkeies on the cover of 1st issue of 2016.

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No 32 is live now! 7th Hokage is so coooool!

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No.44 is live now. ONEPEICE is off this week, but you can try AMANO-sensei(Reborn)`s new series elDRIVE! and more!

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Latest issue, No.51 is available now! Cover and special one shot of One Punch Man! Saitama is so bold and bald.

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Forgot to tweet. No28 is live now and ONEPIECE is back in lineup with awesome cover and color pages!

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